Website to be built using self-hosted WordPress software, customized theme & plugins to achieve desired aesthetic & user experience.
Mobile Friendly
- Site optimized for viewing on a mobile device
Content Types Supported
- Support for all popular content types
- Videos
- Images
- PDFs
- Copy
- Links
Integration with Google Analytics & Google Search Console Account
- Ability to track trends, incoming search traffic, referral traffic, audience trends, user flow & behaviors, device usage, campaigns and more
Site Structure
- Home (include description of program, core values, images & links to team pages)
- Teams (sub-pages to include coaches & team members with player profiles – approximately 25 profiles)
- 12’s
- 14’s
- Calendar (include dates for tournaments, practice, try-outs)
- Contact (contact information and form)
Design Considerations
Branding and Styling
- Redesign IMPACT Volleyball logo using existing colors
- Website design to mirror existing branding/new logo
Project Costs
Total: $2200
Initial Invoice: $1100
Website Approval/Launch: $1100