Opening Bell Coffee


Project Rate: $3200
Deposit: $1600
Balance Due at Site Launch




Opening Bell Coffee is Dallas’ best acoustic live music venue & coffee bar. Live music most nights. We work with local vendors and have great wine and beer.


  1. The website should reflect the vibe of Opening Bell: WARM, VIBRANT & EDGY, DIVE BAR, SPEAK-EASY. Oh yeah…. With a side of coffee. P.S. I love everything about this.
  2. Home page has clear messaging to purchase tickets for upcoming shows
  3. Stage 1: Polish up WIX site while we work on stage 2
  4. Stage 2: New site build using self-hosted WordPress software


8-10 internal pages: Calendar, Open Mic Night, Booking, Photo Gallery, FAQ, Join Our Team, Contact

Order Online (external link)

Social Media integration site wide: Feeds & external links where appropriate

Home Page

Upcoming events should be the key feature on the home page. Large – scrollable features with a list of events in an easy to read format. Each event will include a link to details/ticket sales. This should be really easy for someone on the OBC team to add content to. Or we will come up with a plan for ongoing service.

Other website examples for aesthetic reference

The Henry

The Wild Detectives

Notes: Both of above referenced sites are bright white background with black accents and vibrant photography. They both have serif copy but I am going to recommend sans-serif for a little more modern edge. We can warm the site up with some serif headlines and warm colors.


Currently done through WIX.

I am going to recommend moving that to a company like Mailchimp eventually. It’s a really easy-to-use platform that we can integrate with your site and other software.

Project Rate: $3200

Deposit: $1600

Balance Due at Launch